And then there were two


I think I’m being punished by the sim gods for arrogance…

Simple stuff first. Motie is a Serious Musician now, level 7 of the musician career – good for you, Motie. The requirements are getting harder now; he’s been moving up regularly every two days of work, but it might start taking 3 days now. That’s fine, he’s bringing in the money at a good clip – and I can’t believe how profitable jingle writing is… He’s got 4000 simoleans tucked away, and will be expanding his house again after the next bills come due. It’s Friday night now, so 3 days out.

He also finished his frog collection and I was very excited about it. I cheered when the last breeding gave me my hypnotoad. Good going again, Motie.

Then there’s the wedding…

Alisa was always my top choice, I liked the Active and Outdoors traits and the two of them got along. Then she aged up and rolled Genius. That put me off a bit – lots of great traits, but active and genius are not low maintenance traits. She’d need stuff to get the most out of them, and I’m still struggling to put a house together. One trait, like active, is fine, but two had me doubting.

So I let them go on a date and noticed something odd. Whenever Motie flirted with Alisa she was happy and receptive. But when I left them alone and she flirted with him, he was very standoffish, usually giving negative reactions. I took that as a sign he didn’t really like her, and decided to give Candice a try.

She aged up and got three traits that I loved. Slob – not great but Motie is one too, so they’re compatible, Goofball – which I find endearing and fun, and Family Oriented. Couldn’t ask for better. I tried a flirt and she went right for it. Sent them on a date and they had a blast, everything went well (OK, I’d have preferred it if Alisa didn’t find out, just in case, but Motie is as bad as I am at keeping secrets.) So that worked; Motie and I were both happy.

A second date ended with a proposal and a quickie wedding. Yay.

So why am I unhappy? Only after she moved in did I get to see her aspiration. Serial Romantic.


Tough one under normal circumstances. Primary spouse of generation one of a legacy— it feels like a punch to the gut.

But that’s what happens and is part of the fun of playing a legacy. Gotta roll with the punches.

Current Score: 3 points – 1 for the collection, 1 for the spouse.

2 thoughts on “And then there were two

    1. Thanks for the comments on the early story – gives me an excuse to go back over them and remember what happened. Having Alisa discover Motie and Candice on a date was one of those things that just went wrong, but helps make the story what it is. Glad you’re enjoying it.


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